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Pukul 24.00 WIB , dapatkan juga Super Bonus!
Pukul 24.00 WIB , dapatkan juga Super Bonus!
diantaranya :
1. Puluhan Brush, Plug-in, Shapes, Patern
2. Puluhan Tutorial Photoshop dengan berbagai kreasi
3. Adobe Photoshop CS4 Dictionary
4. SOFTWARE PORTABLE - Portrait Professional Max 6.3.5 Portable
5. 1000 Trik Photoshop
6. Puluhan Video Tutorial Photoshop
7. Advanced Photoshop Techniques
8. Adobe Photoshop 6 bible
9. Photoshop CS2 Intruduction Tutorial
10. Intermeditate Photoshop CS2 Tutorial
11. Photoshop 6 Classroom in a book
12. Photoshop 6.0 User Guide
13. Da Vinci's Photoshop Tutorial
14. The Photoshop's Guru Handbook
15.Teach Yourself Photoshop in 14 Days
16. Webpedia Photoshop Tutorials
17. Roco's Photoshop Tutorials
18. Dimension X Photoshop Tutorial
19. Fine Art Photoshop
20. Misery's Photoshop Tutorial
21. Phong's Photoshop Tutorial
22. Photo and Paint Shop Tips and Triks
23. Photoshop Faq
24. Photoshop Tips and Triks Tutorials